Cold Process Soap it is !

Soaping secrets Hello! There is nothing like handmade cold processed soap with all the glycerin that belongs to the soap. Glycerin is extracted from commercial soap and sold as a separate product. There are no weird ingredients in the handcrafted soap and that is an amazing thing. Surprisingly artisan handmade soap has a long shelf…

Reishi mushroom soap

Hello Here is a little update about me. I’ve been back to soaping this year for good. I developed a new technique to achieve artistic soap designs about which I will write later. Prices of olive oil nearly doubled this year but I continue to use it because I don’t want to sacrifice the quality…

Olga Tokarczuk Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature

Beautiful news! I am so happy for Olga! She is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018!!!! Olga Tokarczuk is the author of Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, trans. Antonia Lloyd-Jones; Flights, The Books of Jacob and many others. Books are available on Amazon!❤️❤️❤️📚🌹🌹🌹The Nobel prize awards were…

Salvator Dali surrealistic dishes

    “Beauty should be edible, or not at all.” – Salvador Dalí Extravagant and exotic I have my eyes on the book with surrealistic dishes Les diners de Gala. Dalí published this cookbook in 1973. Only 400 copies were thought to remain after the first print. Some collectors paid as much as $25,000 for…

Thai Style Green Curry Spices

Cooking is not my thing but everything changed when I discovered Thai Style Green Curry spice blend. The explosion of flavours in a cooked dish is a pure perfection. It is not spicy hot and that’s why I love it even more. Spices can be added to chicken, beef or fish. Aroma aroma The aroma…

Sunglasses to see the world

See the world through sunglasses clear images appear on a bright day glare is just a word greenlifenow   I got those just a month ago. Buying sunglasses online was like playing Russian roulette for me. Too many choices of colors, shapes and styles. Since my eyes are sensitive my sunglasses must be polarized and…

Cacao versus cocoa

Life is a journey and learning never stops. Most of us used cocoa powder at some point of life whether it was in baking, making hot chocolate on cold morning or health and beauty DIY projects like the chocolate mint face mask. Once I stumbled upon a recipe for meat marinade or glaze that called…

Poetic Soaps World makes Cusi Organic chocolate cake

During my visit to green market I also got to sample quinoa oat chocolate cake by Cusi. I grabbed a bag to take home after I found out that there are only 6 ingredients plus vanilla and salt in it and organic cane sugar was used to sweeten the cake. No preservatives of any kind….

Reishi mushroom powder for soap and Reishi coffee

Reishi Mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom of immortality used in Chinese medicine for 2000 years This post took a different direction than I initially intended. It is more about coffee then making soap but … I wanted to talk about a star ingredient. There is also advice for new soapers at the end of the post….